100% Pappe 100% Ökologisch 100% formstabil 100% made in Germany

Pricing, shipping costs, and delivery information

The prices on our product pages all include VAT and other price components.

We currently only deliver our furniture within Europe.

In addition to the listed prices we charge a fixed delivery fee of €6,90 per delivery for standard shipping and €15,90 for shipping of bulky goods within Germany. For delivery outside of Germany we charge fixed delivery fees that you can see in the table following this link. Link

You will get a detailed overview over your shipping costs in the shopping cart and during checkout.

If you choose “cash on delivery”, there will be an additional fee of €6,50 to be paid to the mail carrier upon delivery.

No delivery fees apply for digital content (e.g. assembly manuals, images, etc.).

Base on delivery type, the fixed charge for shipping amounts to €6,90 (standard parcel) or €15,90 (bulky goods). Shipping costs all include VAT. Since VAT on delivery charges is dependant on the type of product, it can be lowered for products that are subject to lower tax rates. Hency, delivery charges will ultimately be calculated during checkout. However, it will only ever be lowered in your favor, and never increased.

Impressum | Datenschutz| AGB